
行为 & 社区标准

Welcome to the Office of 社区标准


We are so glad you have chosen to join the Railsplitter family.

学生服务, we aim to help you maximize the potential of your experience as a Railsplitter by adhering to this philosophy of President Lincoln. In the Office of 社区标准, we have the privilege and responsibility of helping our Railsplitters by creating and cultivating a thriving Railsplitter 社区 - one that fosters mutual respect for self, 其他人, and the world around us. This will help the Railsplitters grow in their understanding of President Lincoln's aforementioned “cause and effect.“你的决定和行为将在确保你在LMU充满学习的经历中发挥至关重要的作用, 有趣的新体验, 增长, and relationships that will last a lifetime.

“铁路分裂者国家”不仅仅是一个由学生、教师、 & 员工们,我们是一家人!



政策 & 程序

In the pages of the Railsplitter 社区标准 Guide, you will find helpful information that details our expectations for the Railsplitter 社区 in addition to all policies and procedures in place by the Office of 社区标准 and the University. In order for our community to thrive, 我们都必须在培养相互尊重的气氛方面尽自己的一份力量, for our beautiful campus & facilities, and for our own personal health and safety. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this 社区标准 Guide and let it serve as a guide to your LMU experience. To view previous versions of 手册, please click 在这里


社区标准 Guide




你想向社区标准办公室报告事件吗? Doing so will initiate an investigation into whether or not t在这里 was a violation of the Student Code of 行为. Please fill out the electronic incident reporting form below. By submitting the report, you are authorizing the Office of 社区标准 to contact you to gather any additional statements or supporting evidence.

Incident Reporting form



Sanction Submission Form

Do you have sanctions due to the Office of 社区标准? Simply click the button below to complete the Sanction Submission Form!

Sanction Submission Form



Do you wish to appeal the outcome of your case? 上诉程序概述在铁路分离器社区标准指南第7节. 我们鼓励您在提交申请之前熟悉申诉程序. 

If you wish to submit an appeal, please complete the form below: 



  •   家庭

    家庭, 我们很高兴看到您有兴趣通过社区标准办公室的流程来支持您的学生.

    许多家庭成员经常询问他们的参与程度. 事实是, 你的参与程度主要取决于你和你的学生之间的决定! Regarding official procedures, 在任何会议或听证会上,每个学生有权有一名指导老师和一名支持人员. 指导老师的职责是确保学生提出所有必要的问题, shares pertinent information, and navigates the process appropriately. 而顾问不得在任何程序中代表学生进行辩护, they can offer guidance if needed. On the other hand, a support person's role is to provide moral support. 他们可以参加会议,但不能代表学生发言或在会议过程中提供建议.

    的se guidelines are designed to encourage 学生s to advocate for themselves and confront challenging situations. Our process is intended to be educational; however, genuine education cannot occur if 学生s do not act independently.

    If you wish to discuss your 学生's disciplinary record with the Office of 社区标准 or accompany them to any meetings, your 学生 must complete a FERPA豁免 to waive their privacy rights concerning their disciplinary record.

  •   教师 & 工作人员

    我们敦促教职员工不要忽视破坏性行为, 因为沉默可以传达一个强有力的信息,就像直接解决行为一样.

    的 Office of 社区标准 assists faculty and staff by offering a procedure for handling 学生 behavioral concerns that impact the quality of the learning environment. 将学生转到我们的办公室将启动学生行为准则中概述的行为过程.

  •   法律专业人士

    If you've been approached by a 林肯纪念堂 University 学生 seeking support regarding a disciplinary issue, this section offers essential insights into the Code of Student 行为 and your involvement in the LMU disciplinary procedure.

    It's important to understand that the University's disciplinary framework operates distinctively from the civil or criminal justice system. Unlike adversarial systems, 大学的教育过程旨在教育学生,促进他们的个人成长和发展.

    在整个纪律过程中,学生们被鼓励为自己辩护. While some may opt to engage an attorney, their role is advisory. Advisors may attend all proceedings 但通常 refrain from directly addressing hearing officers or board members, making statements during hearings, or interrogating witnesses. It's crucial to note that 学生s do not possess a constitutional entitlement to active legal representation in university disciplinary matters.

    FAQs for 法律专业人士:

    •   我被要求代表一名被指控违反学生行为准则的学生. How do I establish this with the University?
      的 学生 is required to furnish written consent for your access to information regarding the case or for discussing it with a staff member. 此书面同意可通过填写FERPA豁免书来获得,该豁免书是针对有关案件的. 社区标准办公室将专门与学生沟通,而不是通过任何中介. 在学生的授权下,你可以获得信件的副本.
    •   What is the University's standard of review?
      用于确定责任的审查标准是“优势”标准. This determination is based on the greater weight of the information and does not require a standard beyond a reasonable doubt.
    •   What is my role at your hearing?
      学生行为准则允许律师以顾问的身份参加所有纪律会议和听证会. 顾问通常避免直接向听证官员或董事会成员讲话, speaking during hearings, or questioning witnesses. 你可以为你的客户提供指导,只要你的参与不影响诉讼程序.
    •   When will I receive discovery?

      《澳门威尼斯人赌城》中没有正式的发现程序. Both parties have fair access to the case file. 如果您和您的客户希望检查案件档案,请发送学生电子邮件 conduct@therebelsoul.net to schedule an appointment.

    •   When will I have the opportunity to depose witnesses?
      Depositions are not permitted according to the Code of Student 行为. 在听证会之前, 任何一方(或其代表)不得与另一方的证人接触. 聆讯人员在聆讯过程中向证人进行询问.
    •   Can I get the hearing postponed?
      的 respondant can seek to delay the hearing for valid reasons. A written request for postponement, along with the supporting explanation, must be submitted to the Office of 社区标准 (conduct@therebelsoul.net),于预定聆讯前最少三个大学工作天送达. 可接受的延期理由包括家庭丧偶等情况, 严重的疾病, 学术的义务, 或社区标准办公室认为合适的任何其他情况.
    •   My client is charged with a crime off campus. 我能把诉讼推迟到刑事案件解决之后吗?
      学生 has the option to ask for a delay, 但通常, 正在进行的刑事诉讼不会被视为推迟学生纪律听证会的理由. 该大学的程序旨在确定学生是否违反了《澳门威尼斯人赌城》, not to establish whether they have broken the law.
    •   如果我的委托人拒绝参加学校的纪律处分程序,将会发生什么?
      的 hearing requires the respondent's attendance. 如果答辩人无正当理由不出席,听证会可以在没有答辩人的情况下进行. 或者,社区标准办公室可以选择向学生收取以下费用 8节.11: Noncompliance of the Railsplitter 社区标准 Guide.
    •   Is the hearing recorded? Can I get a transcript?
      An audio recording is made of each University hearing. 的 学生 can request a copy of the recording, but the Office of 社区标准 does not provide transcripts and ratains the authoriity to deny a request for a hearing recording. 
    •   What are the 学生's rights of appeal?

      的 学生 can appeal the finding and/or the sanction. Appeals are decided on the basis of the record and written submissions. 根据《澳门威尼斯人赌城》提出的申诉可以基于以下理由提出:


      A procedural error in the hearing of the case occurred that is found to be substantial enough to have changed the outcome of the hearing, including failure to objectively evaluate all relevant evidence or error(s) related to determination of relevance.

      New information exists that was not reasonably available at the time the determination was made that is determined to be substantial enough to have changed the outcome of the hearing.

  •   Frequently Asked Questions

Office of 社区标准 工作人员

澳门威尼斯人赌城(LMU)致力于每个学生的个人和学术卓越. Students are individually and collectively responsible for their behavior and fully accountable for their actions. 的 Office of 社区标准 has a responsibility to each of the 学生s at LMU to ensure the Code of 行为 via the Railsplitter 社区标准 Guide is upheld. 的 行为 Process is designed to help 学生s better understand and reinforce the policies that have been designed to promote personal and academic success. 的 primary goal of the conduct process is to be an educational opportunity for 学生s to reflect on their decisions to redirect future decision-making. 的 following staff members are integral in mainting the LMU 行为 Process and facilitating a learing expereinces for our 学生s that is both restorative and developmental:

Assistant Dean of Students & 首席操守官, Mr. 道森德尔菲

的 Assistant Dean of Students serves as the 首席操守官 and is responsible for properly implementing fair conduct procedures and overseeing the administration of the 学生 conduct process. 这包括查明可能违反《澳门威尼斯人赌城》的行为, 在聆讯期间代表大学调查及陈述个案, and the investigation and resolution. 学生事务助理院长可指定任何其他适当的行政人员履行这些职责.


听到警察 are professional faculty/staff designated and trained by the Assistant Dean of Students or their designee to resolve incidents via the 学生 conduct process. A Hearing Officer may find a 学生 responsible for violations of the Railsplitter 社区标准 Guide and/or other university policies and assign appropriate sanctions.

Student Representatives

Student Representatives are 学生s designated and trained by the Assistant Dean of Students or their designee to serve on 社区标准 Boards and the 社区标准 Appeals Committee. A Student Representative may provide insight during a hearing and is given the authority to vote on the outcome of a 社区标准 Board Hearing or Appeals Committee review and provide recommendations on appropriate sanctions, 必要时.


